English Classes Chevreuse Yvelines


Who we are and what we do

Parents Anglophones de la Vallée (PAV) is an association based in the town of Chevreuse (78) offering literacy classes by trained teachers to children and adolescents who speak English at home.

PAV is run by parent volunteers and was set up in 2012 as a registered Association de loi 1901. It provides English classes for up to 50 English-speaking pupils every year.

Board members

President: Zuzana Mouko – president@pavetheway.fr
Secretary: Andrew George – secretary@pavetheway.fr
Treasurer: Amanda Tarbé – treasurer@pavetheway.fr
Community Manager: Tracy Leborgne – community@pavetheway.fr

Vice-president Collège-Lycée: Robin Vogelzanf – collegelycee@pavetheway.fr
Vice-president Primaire: Allison Douglas – primaire@pavetheway.fr
Vice-president Maternelle: Pablo Wilson – maternelle@pavetheway.fr

Read the original statutes of the association here.
